GTWF is a Manx registered charity (Number 727), and is completely independent. We are not affiliated to any other large charitable organisations, and do not benefit from any outside expertise or support. The charity trustees all live on the Isle of Man and are totally responsible for all practicalities related to the Fund’s operations. 

One of the principles adhered to by the Fund is that every penny goes to the work in India, and it is used for the purpose it was intended. It is our aim to have a manageable fund, which meets genuine and specific needs. Every effort therefore, is made to ensure that all the money raised will be applied in furthering the intended objectives. The only expenses we have are related to stationery, printing and postage etc, and we are able to assure supporters those donations and gifts are not swallowed up in unnecessary administration costs and expenses.

We seek to ensure that our co-workers in India are visited and encouraged by charity representatives. From time to time, special visits to India are arranged and interested supporters are invited to join representatives of the Charity to visit the various aspects of the work. All costs and expenses for these trips are borne by the individuals themselves.


2008 was the tenth anniversary of GTWF. Instead of celebrating, however, a shadow was cast by the sudden and tragic death on 18th May, of Matthew Else, our Founder and the chairman of Grace Third World. His death came as a huge shock to everyone, as he was such a vibrant and enthusiastic personality.

Following the death of our Founder a new chairman was sought, and Ray Richardson, one of the original Trustees, was chosen to take over from Matthew Else. Ray had been involved from the beginning, and had been to India many times. Timothy and Sheela knew him well, and he was the obvious choice to take over this position. Ray and Timothy talk on the phone every week and Timothy keeps Ray up to date with everything that is happening in Grace Children’s Home.